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Act Out!


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This is a board game I designed based on trying to spend all of Jeff Bezos' unfathomable wealth

bezos poster color reference.jpg

Art I designed for the box

The rules for "Act Out!" go as follow:

     - To begin, sort out the different colored cards and create a stack of each color. Choose 1 player to play the role of Banker, who is tasked with distributing money from the Bank to the players as well as managing the extra supply of billions.

     -Each player is given $156 Billion in coins divided as follows: two $50B’s, five $10B’s, five $1B’s, one $500M and five $100M. All remaining coins go to the Bank.

     -The Banker may play too but must keep his personal funds from the bank. He/she can break big coins for smaller coins and must make sure that players pay and earn accordingly.

     -The objective of the game is to be the first person to spend all of your money. You play by taking turns rolling the colored dice to determine what color card to pick up. Each color is connected to a different category, some good and some bad.

     -If the dice lands on the black face, the player gets to choose whatever color card they want.

     -There are 10 companies in the game: Alexa, Audible, Twitch, Amazon Essentials, Prime Video, The Washington Post, Zappos!, IMDb, Whole Foods, and Amazon Web Services. To keep track of what companies a player has sold, they must keep the sold company card they drew.

Red “Payday” Cards: Each payday card is assigned to one or multiple companies. If you still own a company and get their payday card, you earn the amount of money stated by the card. If you get the payday card of a company you already sold, you can give that payday card to any other player and they get the money. If you get a “Payday ALL” card, you must pick up $5.5B unless you have sold every single company. After a player draws a payday card and earns the dictated amount, they must put it on the discard pile next to it, which will be shuffled and re-stacked.

Cards red and orange.jpg
Cards Blue and Green.jpg

Orange Selling Company Cards: These cards allow you to sell your companies. While you might gain some money from selling a company, you no longer need to accept that company’s payday card and can give it to someone else instead. This stack has no discard pile, as players must keep the sold company cards to keep track of what companies they still own.

Blue “Gotcha” Cards: These cards are crazy situations that can help you lose money, or make you money. Read the card and do what it says. After a player draws a “Gotcha” card, they must

Green Act Out Cards: These are selfish ways Jeff Bezos could spend his billions. Read the card and pay what the card says. This is one of the best ways to lose money, and win the game. After a player draws an act out card, they must put it on the discard pile next to it, which will be shuffled and re-stacked.

Yellow Act Out Cards : These are some selfless ways Jeff Bezos could spend his billions meanwhile helping humanity. Read the card and pay what the card says. This is one of the best ways to lose money, and win the game. After a player draws an act out card, they must put it on the discard pile next to it, which will be shuffled and re-stacked.

Cards Green and Yellow.jpg

This is a sample of the coin play pieces used to play the board game. There are 6 different sizes, ranging from .75 in ($10M) to 1.75 ($50B).

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